What Leaders and Public Official Say About Medical Marijuana
"Contrary to the anecdotal evidence of a few people with compelling stories, however, the FDA and the top medical associations of our country, including the American Medical Association, the American Cancer Society, the American Glaucoma Society, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the very medical societies that advocate for patients with serious illnesses like cancer, glaucoma and MS, all have rejected marijuana as a medicine." Source: KeepAZDrugFree
Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) - Would I favor the legalization of marijuana at the federal level
It's terrible thing for a person to have a debilitating disease... As much as I want to see something happen that relieves your pain... I have not been convinced with medical evidence or independent research that clearly says it is more effective that other forms of pain medication.
Sen. John McCain (R- AZ) - There is divided medical thought on this.
You site all of these that say it is very beneficial; there is an equal body that says it is not. I believe there is some possibility that medical marijuana could spread into other areas -- definitions of medical could expand dramatically. I don't think marijuana is healthy or good for people. There plenty of other medications that are more effective and better and less damaging to ones health to use to relieve pain.
Joseph A. Cailfano, Chairman & President National Center on Addiction & Substance Abuse
The issue of medical marijuana is not be decided by popular referendum. We have a whole scientific process that has served this country damn well for a long, long time in determining that and we can make horrendous mistake - There is a system Food and Drug Administration that is where the issue of should be decided and it should be decided by doctors and scientist's.
Rep. James Smith (R-NM)"A Teacher" proposes end to New Mexico's medical marijuana program
Medical Marijuana Send The Wrong Message to Kid's. I am compassionate about our most vulnerable citizen's; our students. I believe it is a disservice say to our kids to tell them that something like Marijuana is good for you.
Dr. Robert DuPont, M.D.
The reason why people have not taken marijuana has not been taken through this review process is because it can't pass; it won't pass - so they want to go this other route. Good luck to them... because the science isn't there and it's not going to be there tomorrow either... Not possible that any disease could, would every be treated with smoked marijuana, smoking is an unhealthy, dangerous, destructive drug delivery system. See Biography